Mission Statement Ish

This is an anti mission statement.


Ah the joys of arbitrage and propaganda. We are like the Details magazine ghost still pumping out relevant social information with casual genl hip paroxisms of Michael Chabon articles (I miss those)   The New Discrimination is technology.  Instead of suicide bombers we will have a secret elite gentry promenading globally without luggage because they have purchasing power of a small country where?  On their smart watch.




If you’re really reading this not for entertainment and have meticulous foresight to see through the Harvard Lampoon we like you and we want you here.  Through a simple series of big data mining we know you dropped out of (insert endowment higher institution here)  and you were one of the lucky chosen ones with smart roomates or actual brains to trend hump a game changing currency while it was hot. But you’re all hush hush about it because you still want to play it cool and keep your day job at a Sachs clone on wallstreet.  Smooth.  So you went to some bar in Soho after fencing and you overheard cocky waspy junior execs talk about this app that is the best crypto -Venmo peer to peer invite only that is in beta. And they sounded so horny for getting into the waiting list like they were buying Teslas or actually drunk enough to vomit insider trading.  You laugh to yourself because you’re younger and have already stashed your F-you money in a Stockholm vaulted radix Blockchain so not even God can touch it until you turn 25. Okay we get it your OFF WHITE and Fendi gave it away.  You’re the boardroom quiet crypto hero.   Suddenly the record stops when you overhear that you have to make over a gazillion dollars (500k in equity)  which is chump change because you can just buy a small island with your a click on your smart watch.


Proposal: We need an anti social network.  Not like anti human but rather basedbon recent events,  an anti-slavery and even new legislation l.  Addendums to the DCMA. (Digital Millenium Copyright Act and basically a new anti Terms and Conditions maybe even a new kind of Captcha.  Proposing in the new social network that you can’t talk about that we will investigate before Robb Report,  almighty Forbes and your dad’s Economist or even already blind half cool Vice is not as lethally on the millisecond and backed by our own Gordon Gekko-esque notion of Greedy Algorithms are effing awesome before regulation stepped on the grapes.  You were the smart ones and we want to keep that American spirit strong and small yet powerful.  Expect our own Ted-esque talks and retreats.  You have just been introduced to the Future and what you do with it nobody can stop you.  Welcome to EcommerceByte™ place your wrist on the scanner and enter the private airport because the whole idea is that we are a global society with Spending power to really shape the world.  Money is created to be a tool for commerce not to enslave us.  It is up to us the leaders of a new Conceptual Age to show the masses the only thing that can save them from doom is accepting a new way of thinking by thinking consciously about protecting what’s left of our Green Planet and opting out of cash and adopting a paperless world entirely.  This process of necessary global change was once a myth and now with the power of hash tags we can either use social media as a weapon for good or turn it into a tool for Mass Exodus.  This is not alarmist rhectoric on an arbitrary snobby blog,  this is a command from the Gods sacrificing a Promethian ideology and avoiding an already imminent threat of annihilation by machines.  The mother company of Currency Anatomy,  The Glass Wall Society,  a powerful global Secret non profit will unleash its own manifesto agreeing in cautious benevolent pro-life chorus together with powerhouses like Mr. Mighty Musk and other influential CEOS to endorse the creation of a new Virtual social network which has a currency already opted in so that no human being who clicks “AGREE” to erroneous terms is essentially selling their soul to evil horny  data sadists in a lab with intentions to exploit users like cattle.  We have a team of benevolent scientists that are affiliated with major consortiums to make sure that this data breach never happens ever again without user consent and they can choose to monetize their elements for profit.  The only way out is In.  To create a new social network to democratize data.


This is the dawn of a new age and so important to assert in the diffusion branded blog since it is still in beta testing.  Such an enormous legal virtual Ark can either take months or years depending on the media coverage.  Until then,  we will keep informing our crypto audience on trends and making benevolent fun of our beautiful planet while simultaneously protecting it from harm and Antitrust by promoting single global digital currency which is the only statistically  proven way to survive the unsavory world we created in the information age where millions of us succumbed to tyrants who enslaved us for data.  Some were mining bitcoin making fortunes quirtky knowing what is about to happen.  If a hurricane happens,  will you have time to go stand in line at the bank or go grocery shopping.  No because you have Amazon apps and can order everything.  Just grab your phone and solar charger and maybe order Starbucks ahead of time because you read blogs so you have a day ahead of the world.


We believe in a holistic ideation related to kantian ethics and if you want to just stay in the current date and be lied to be our guest.  If you want to enjoy the perks of exclusivity and want to explore the future and incredibly proven pleasurable experiences with the power of your wrist, we are working with MIT and Stanford to work on the finishing touches on a revolutionary “Financial Device” that has already been shopped by top technology companies.  In beta testing so no photos or proprietary source code


TheGlassWallSociety@gmail.com for updates on a new social network unlike anything imagined before that was borne out of alchemical romance of paperless currency

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