Unlike Button


Dossier: We don’t say “woke” as proximate to understanding the synergy of propaganda we applaud the ideology but it is not the same as “conscious. ” Then you must decipher amidst data smog what type of consciousness you mean.  Here at EcommerceByte we want to encourage truth in journalism. No more empty vacant popular weaponized hash tags to manipulate society.  Ecommerce Byte is part of the new Social Currency network being tested called TheGlassWallSociety@gmail.com. suggestions for what should and should not be  allowed or percieved as a group of human beings exchanging the currency of Love.

No hashtags but the original like button has become a huge crisis bigger than opiate epidemic and AIDS.  When people started killing each other LIVE and the proliferation of fake news is the day we decided to motivate the creation of a new world.  A holistic safe realistic doxology not an ideological fake utopia.


A byte considered as a unit of memory size. Memory is a measurement of data and faculty of the mind by which information is encoded and stored.

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