Crypto Creeping 2.OKAY.

Well there it is. Us Millenials are getting Brazy at the proving the tech addiction stereotypes curve ball with a caveat from a bald eagle’s POV. The article I wrote about the whole Crypto craze just got a little bit more interesting with new cryptos including the powerful ethereum and new influencers also swaying the breeze towards a more intelligent and secure blockchain. These people must have dound an oracle to cash in on the future of currency. Virtually anyone with a million dillars can create and inflence a better greener cashless future. Before the nay sayers start clucking about wide government regulation and flashing paper (which burns) which is also traditional and okay but not sustainable to invest I’m the future 100% and that’s an investopedia article I don’t have time to educate aboitn in fact in our lifetime we’ve had a black president, feuding social networks fighting with dark billion$ and the government shutting down. Behold the paradigm shift the glass wall society had proffered using very easy or obscure epediological probability functions and predicate funcrions over at the mothership

apparently, before crypto banks got robbed like, with guns and stuff.

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